Days/Hours of Operation:
Child care is available Monday through Friday with the exception of closings as referred to in this handbook. Hours are 7:30am-5:00pm daily.

Actual days and hours are determined by the parent/guardian’s individual needs. EX: if you need care from 8-4, you will need to pick up no later than 4, even though my hours are 7:30-5:00. If you are to pick up at 4, please be on time, if you show up at 5:00 you will be charged the late fee's in accordance to my policy listed below.

Late Drop Off and Pick Up
Please call me if you will be dropping your child off late. It is very important to me and the other children to know our schedule (breakfast, etc.) and when we can move along from one activity to another.

Please understand that the contracted drop-off time is important because I plan our day around the collective time frame of each child as well as each other phase of our morning routine – please call me if you know that you will be more than 15 minutes late. If you do not call I will assume you are not bringing your child for that day and mark absent. In this instance I may not be here when you arrive for drop off.

Our contracted pick up time is equally important; there are several things to do before the children leave – snack time, calm down time, clean up (personal as well as day care room), shoes on etc. Of course another reason is to know my “quit” time so I can complete other evening commitments. This is VERY important to me, I have my own children that participate in extra-curricular activities that we pay for. I do not want to miss or be late to my childrens' activities due to lack of communication and tardiness.

I’m sure you agree, personal time is precious; accordingly, it becomes extremely difficult and stressful to have an appointment or other plans scheduled if I cannot depend on the mutually agreed pick up time. I do understand that there may be an occasion of major traffic congestion or bad weather conditions causing a delay in your travel – if you have a cellular phone, please call me and perhaps we can work out a contingency plan.

A $5.00 late fee for 10 minutes past our agreed pick up time and $1.00 each additional minute will be payable upon arrival, this is non-negotiable. This  does not pertain to my open-close hours, this time pertains to OUR mutual agreement in the contract. If you are to pick up at 4pm, and you show up at 5pm you will be charged late fees in accordance to the policy stated above. Your pick up time is the time YOU agreed to pick up. This is strictly enforced and  consistent tardiness or late pick ups will be cause for immediate termination. Please respect my time as it is valuable to me.